Gilman Garrison House, Exeter, New
This is the Scribner Family News
Page. This page serves as an update to the Master
Family Database that is hosted on this site, and compiled by Ray Scribner.
As changes, additions, or deletions of that data is warranted, those
changes will be posted on this page until such time as an update of the
entire database is uploaded. So, if you are checking the database,
don't forget to stop by this page to see if there are any updates!
This page will also be used to post news items of interest as well as
actual database additions. For example, for those Scribner Family
members who have been looking for Pelatiah Scribner or John Scribner and
his wife Thankful Shaw, we have recently discovered leads about them.
For details, read below.
New Photos!
recently acquired 3 photographs of descendents of Captain Daniel Scribner:
2 of Lucy Maria Scribner and 1 of her husband William H. Day. Go to
the photo page for the descendants of Captain
Daniel Scribner and check them out for yourself!
Ray's Data Updated!
Ray recently made a trip to Maine, and has substantially
revised and made additions to his database. We will be posting that
data soon. Ray and Laura have jointly agreed that we will update
Ray's data quarterly. So, keep checking back --- and if you have
data that you are willing to contribute please
send it to Ray.
Scribner Subsites Now Available!
Would you like to have a
page dedicated to your particular Scribner family or line including
photos, reports, data and family information? We can now provide
subsites for Scribner families for as little as $5 per month, depending
upon size. For further information,
contact the webmaster.