of the Gilman Garrison House, Exeter, New Hampshire. This house --
which still stands to this day -- was constructed in 1690 by John Gilman,
brother of Sarah Gilman, one of the direct John Scribner ancestors.
Scribner Families
Welcome to the Scribner Families Website!
This website is the major project of the Scribner Family Association, a
nonprofit organization dedicated to discovering and preserving the family
history of the descendents of the two early New England Scribner
progenitors: John Scriven of Dover, New Hampshire, and Benjamin
Scribner of Norwalk, Connecticut. For the most recent updates
to family genealogical data, see
Scribner News.
Note: Our database guru, Ray Scribner, has such an
extensive database that it currently exceeds the bounds of our HTML
translation software! Until we are able to locate new software that
can handle the huge size of his database (over 33,000 individuals!) we will
not be able to post updates of the data. However, Ray is still posting
his updated Gedcoms to the rootsweb site. We will advise when this
problem has been rectified; until then, please bear with us.
A Significant New Set of Images...about the Scriven/Corbett
Family in Shropshire, England, has recently been contributed by Wynn
Erickson...Thanks, Wynn! Go See 'em...
A Scribner Family DNA study is being conducted. An
Adobe Acrobat formatted spreadsheet showing results
Multimedia CDs
outlining the history of the John Scriven line are available to order! See the
multimedia page for details.
Click Here for a short
multimedia slideshow about the John Scriven family history. For
a more complete presentation of that history, please see our
multimedia page.
This website is the beginning of an effort to form a
centralized repository for the genealogy and history of the descendents of
both John Scriven of Dover, New Hampshire and Benjamin Scribner of Norwalk,
Connecticut. As the site develops, we may
broaden our reach to include information about other lines of Scribners in
America as well.
As a beginning effort, I have developed a series of
multimedia presentations to share the rich and fascinating family history
for the descendents of John Scriven of Dover, New Hampshire. It is my
goal to share this history with as many of our Scribner family members and
researchers as possible, in order to preserve our history and promote an
interest in the subject.
I would like to extend a personal, special thank-you to Ray
Scribner who has developed much of this historical information, and who was
my preview volunteer. Without Ray's help, we simply would not have
such a rich treasure of information on which to draw! Thanks, Ray!
You have done a great service for all ages to come.
If you know you are a descendent of either the John Scriven
or Benjamin Scribner line,
or have a research interest in either of those lines, please create an entry in our
Here Now: Scribner
We have now uploaded Ray Scribner's Master Database for the John Scriven
descendency. See the
Data Page for details. We are working on adding
a database for the Benjamin Scribner line in the near future.
We have also begun to create data reports, organized by family group, and
placed them in the images and archives section of
this website.

Submissions: PLEASE ....
We are always looking for additional materials relevant to our family.
If you know of a website, or have information, photographs, documents, or
other information you would like to have us host and share on this site,
please contact the webmaster.

We also have a home in

All feedback and offers of additional materials for future
multimedia volumes should be addressed to:
Use the form below to search for documents in this web containing specific
words or combinations of words. The text search engine will display a weighted
list of matching documents, with better matches shown first. Each list item is a
link to a matching document; if the document has a title it will be shown,
otherwise only the document's file name is displayed.

Meet Your Website Crew:

Laura Cooper Fenimore
An avid Scribner researcher, Laura was born and raised and currently
lives in Oregon. She is the daughter of Grace Beatrice Scribner, who
is a descendent of John and Elizabeth (Cloyes) Scribner through Edward
Scribner and Abigail Leavitt. Grace is descended from the only male
child of Edward and Abigail who did not move to Otisfield -- John -- and
descendents of John who moved west. By
profession, Laura is known as Laura D. Cooper, Esq., Attorney at Law, and is
the author of the recent book published by
Demos Medical Publishing, Inc.
Insurance Solutions: Plan
Well, Live Better.
If you would like to contact Laura, you may
e-mail her.

Perry Lowell
Perry is a Scribner descendent through Iddo Scribner and Phoebe Peasley,
one of the lines descending through Thomas B. Scribner. She is our
official computer-meister; she selected the wonderful graphical software we
are using on the data page, and burns the CDs of the multimedia family
history. She is also a reliable, constant resource for Laura's novice
If you would like to contact Perry, you may
e-mail her.

Ray Scribner
Ray is our database master. He is a descendant of John and
Elizabeth (Cloyes) Scribner, and the Otisfield, Maine, Scribners. He
is a semi-retired minister living in Huntington, Indiana. His passion
for genealogy goes back over three decades. He has spent countless hours and
ceaseless energies developing what is commonly regarded as the most
comprehensive and best-sourced Scribner database available for this line.
The database now has over 8800 names in it.
If you would like to contact Ray, you may
e-mail him.
Who Was John
Who Was Benjamin Scribner?
John Scriven was born in
Wem, Shropshire, England on 27 Oct 1623. He was most likely
the son of Sir Thomas Scriven, the Lord of Frodesley Manor in
Shropshire -- a feudal manorial estate dating back to the Norman
Conquest of England in 1066. We don't have a record of John
Scriven's actual passage in the early 17th century, and he may have
traveled to the American colonies by way of Barbados. We know
that he was in Dover, New Hampshire on 5 April 1662, when he was
accepted as an inhabitant there. John married a woman named
Mary [surname unknown] in about 1655, somewhere in the colonies.
Some speculation has existed that Mary was Mary Hilton, but that has
been disproved. John and Mary had at least four children in
Dover, and John died there 2 Oct 1675. Of their children,
their daughter Elizabeth married Samuel Eastman. One
son, Edward, was involuntarily pressed into service for the
English Navy, and nothing further about him is known. All of
the Scribner descendents from this family therefore can be traced
through John Scribner, Sr. [the eldest son], Thomas B.
Scribner [the youngest son], or Samuel and Elizabeth [Scribner]
Scribner Families Images |
is an online album containing photographs and images of significant
historical documents pertinent to our Scribner History. |
Benjamin was the first of his name to settle in Norwalk, Connecticut.
He was born about 1658, but there is no known record of his arrival in
America or of his ancestry in England. From the original Town Records
of Norwalk: "Benjamin Skrivener took to wiffe Hannah Crampton, daughter
of John Crampton, of Norwallke, and was married the 5th of March,
1679-80." In Norwalk, he had his first two children. He and
Hannah then moved to Huntington, Long Island where Benjamin, Jr., John,
Hannah, Ruth and Joseph were born in Huntington and Lidia, Elizabeth,
and Abigail were born after their return to live in Norwalk. They were
not happy living in Huntington, and were given a land grant as an
inducement to stay, 23 Jun 1684, shortly after the birth of their son
John. The offer was accepted, and they stayed on until the offer
expired, in June 1694, and then returned to Norwalk where he attended a
Town Meeting on 4 December 1694. According to E.M. Scribner,
"Benjamin died at Danbury, Conn., 15 Oct 1704, while on a visit to
relatives at that point. From the Probate Records of Fairfield,
Connecticut, we find that he died intestate, leaving widow Hannah and
nine children. His son Thomas was appointed administrator of the estate
in May 1705. |