
Scribner Family Images:
Thomas P. Scribner Family Group
Image Gallery
This image gallery contains historical family images. Special
thanks go to Donna Brandon for sharing these images.

All images and documents on this page pertain to the Thomas
P. Scribner Family Group:
Descendency: John Scriven -> John Scribner, Sr. -> Edward Scribner, Sr.
-> John Scribner [2d] -> Thomas Parker Scribner -> Aaron Scribner ->
Thomas P. Scribner
Images Thomas P.
Scribner Family Group:
A diagram of the relationships between the Scribner, Steele, and Hetsler Families in Macomb County, Michigan.
Catherine Eleanor {Steele} Scribner
Born June 1840; she was the wife of Thomas P. Scribner, and was the daughter of Richard J. Steel, and sister to Peter Steel & Caroline {Steele} Scribner. Peter Steele married Minerva Ann {Hetsler} Scribner, the widow of Charles William Scribner, Thomas P. Scribner's brother who died during the Civil War. Caroline married William C. Scribner, the son of Minerva and Charles. Catherine and Thomas Scribner were the parents of Cora Frances Scribner, also pictured here. |
Cora Frances Scribner Fishpool Smith.
Oldest child of Thomas P. Scribner and his wife Catherine Eleanor Steele; Taken about 1940. Cora, b.25 Jul 1861; d. 18 Jun 1946; m. Charles E. Fishpool , 24 Dec 1877. Cora lived her entire life in Michigan. She later married Arthur Smith after Charles died. |
Cora Scribner Fishpool Smith is on the left.
Although the people on both sides are unidentified in the photo, the man may possibly be Cora's second husband Albert Smith, who was younger than she was. The picture may have been taken in the mid 1930's. |
Part of the family of Catherine Fishpool Sharp
Catherine was the second daughter of Cora Scribner Fishpool and her husband Charles Fishpool. This picture was taken in El Paso, TX in the late 1920's. On left, Samuel Sharp (Catherine's husband), youngest son Delmar, and Catherine Fishpool Sharp. |
Cora Scribner Fishpool & Some Descendents.
From left to right: Orland Sharpe (son of Samuel and Catherine Fishpool Sharp), ?, ?, ?, Catherine (Fishpool) Sharp, Samuel Sharp (Catherine's husband), Cora Fishpool Scribner (Catherine's mother), ?. Taken est. early to mid 1920's |
Emma B. Fishpool Lucas
Eldest daughter of Cora Scribner Fishpool and Charles Fishpool; b. 26 Nov 1882; d. 27 Jun 1914; married William James Lucas, 10 Sep 1899. Also lived her whole life in Michigan. |
News article
This is a clipping from the Detroit News about Catherine Sharp and son Donald Sharp. |
Caroline Hester {Steele} Scribner
Sister of Catherine Eleanor Steele, and another daughter of Richard J. Steele & Alvina Harrington; Caroline married the son of Thomas P. Scribner's brother -- Charles William Scribner. |
Transcript of News Article:
Detroit News Article:
"Her Rendezvous: Mother to Meet Her Red Arrow at Arlington"
"When the pomp and grandeur of a military funeral are in progress at
Arlington. Va., for Don E. Sharp, 21 years old, formerly of the 125th
Infantry, 32nd Division, a hero of the World War, there will be a lonely
figure beside the ranks of uniformed men standing at attention.
It will be Elizabeth Sharp, 212 Elizabeth Street West, who for three years
has had only a few brief words about her son, "Killed in action Aug. 6,
1918," and has found no solace for her journey east alone, to attend her
son's funeral, the money being advanced by the American Legion.
The weary mother will look at the ranks upon ranks of uniformed men
and wonder just why among the many it is her son who was killed in his early
youth, just why she must suffer while thousands of other mothers have their
boys back again, most of them strong and well.
But from the sorrow and uncertainty of the last three years has come a
little peace to the mother. For many months she had only the brief words of
the War Department to inform her. She would sit at night and wonder about
those last months in the life of her boy of which she knew nothing. She did
not even know the sector in which he had been serving.
The letters from the front were censored, and Don Sharp would only say: "I
can't tell you where we are mother, but there is enough doing anyway, and
then would follow cheery letters about many odd things. The telegram from
the War Department came in September of 1918, and even after that there was
a letter, just like the others, written many weeks before the boy's death.
William McKenna, Gladwin, Mich., a boyhood friend of Don Sharp, last week
visited Mrs. Sharp and told her about the last hours of her boy. Sharp had
been serving in the Medical Corps on the Marne. His work was dangerous and
his efforts untiring for the wounded men at the firing line. Just after a
bit of fighting, Don with two other men started out onto the field with
flashlights to look for the wounded from the bullet of a German sniper. He
died before morning, without regaining consciousness, the comrade said.
A photograph of Mrs. Sharp is to be sent to the adjutant-general's office in
Washington, and Mrs. Sharp will be met at the station and looked after while
she is at the Capital. She will be named administratix of the estate of her
son. and the money for her trip will be advanced by the American Legion,
awaiting the settlement of his affairs.
Don Sharp first enlisted June 10, 1915, at Saginaw with the old 33rd
Michigan National Guard. He served on the Mexican Border, and was trained
for a medical unit overseas. He sailed for France in March, 1918, and was
with his unit always until that 6th day in August." 
For Additional Information about the family of Catherine
Eleanor Steele, see Richard J. Steele & Alvina Harrington.
Click here.