Documents -- Aaron Scribner
Documents -- Family of
Rhoda J. Carll Images Rhoda J. Carll Family
Biographies of
Aaron Scribner Family Group
Biography of
John C. Scribner
Biography of Enoch Scribner
Biography of Charles William Scribner
of Thomas P. Scribner
of Sarah Jane Scribner
of Samuel B. Scribner |

Scribner Family Images:
Aaron Scribner & Rhoda J.
Carll Family Group
Image Gallery
This image gallery contains historical family images. Some of the documents on this
page have also been transcribed; those transcriptions are located in the
same group as the documents, but below the images.

All images and documents on this page pertain to the Aaron
Scribner & Rhoda J. Carll Family Group:
John Scriven -> John Scribner, Sr. -> Edward Scribner, Sr.
-> John Scribner [2d] -> Thomas Parker Scribner -> Aaron Scribner
Aaron Scribner & Rhoda J. Carll Family Group
Documents -- Aaron Scribner
Rhoda Carll -
Reference A05.CEAF1:
Documents -- Family of Rhoda
J. Carll
 | John Carll Documents [All Census
Entries in MrSID Format; browser requires
plug-in viewer]
Waterborough, York County, Maine Census Entry |
1800 Waterborough, York
County, Maine Census Entry |
1810 Waterborough, York
County, Maine Census Entry |
1820 Waterborough, York
County, Maine Census Entry |
1830 Hollis, York County,
Maine Census Entry |
John Carll Census
Entries Summary [Microsoft Excel Format] |
-- Family of Rhoda J. Carll
Images Related to the Family Group of John Carll & Mary
{Morrill} Carll, parents of Rhoda J. {Carll} Scribner, w/o Aaron Scribner.
John and Mary Carll Family Bible, Page 1. |
Pre-Revolutionary War-era Family Bible, the pages of which were used to support Mary Carll's claim for a widow's pension after the death of John Carll, a Revolutionary War Soldier. |
John and Mary Carll Family Bible, Page 2. |
John and Mary Carll Family Bible, Page 3. |
Depositions of Authenticity, submitted with Family Bible Pages - Page 1. |
Depositions from Mary Carll, her daughter Rhoda J. {Carll} Scribner, and Rhoda's husband Aaron Scribner, establishing that this family bible was kept as an accurate record of this family's vital records. |
Depositions of Authenticity submitted with Family Bible Pages - Page 2. |
Certificates of Authenticity submitted with Family Bible Pages - Page 3. |
Mary Carll Application for Revolutionary War Widow's Pension - Page 1. |
Application by Mary {Morrill} Carll, widow of John Carll, for Widow's Pension based on his service in the Revolutionary War for service in the Massachusetts Continental Line. |
Mary Carll Application for Revolutionary War Widow's Pension - Page 2. |
Mary Carll Application for Revolutionary War Widow's Pension - Page 3
Affidavit of Abigail Hutchins. |
Mary Carll Application for Revolutionary War Widow's Pension - Page 4. Affidavit of Robert B. Caverly. |
Mary Carll Application for Revolutionary War Widow's Pension - Page 5. Affidavit of Peter Morrill. |
Descendents of Aaron Scribner & Rhoda J.

Archives A05.CEAF1

John and Mary Carll Family
Contained within the Pension File of John Carll are Family
Bible Pages submitted by Mary Carll to establish legal family relationships
necessary to obtain her widow's pension. Additionally, the file
contains depositions from her youngest daughter, Rhoda, and her son-in-law
Aaron Scribner attesting to the authenticity of those pages:
Transcript of Deposition of Mary Carll
and Rhoda Scribner contained in Pension File on Revolutionary War Service of
John Carll:
Oneida County
Mary Carll and Rhoda Scribner of the town
of Verona - Oneida County - each being duly sworn say as follows - the said
Mary Carll says that the attached Family Record is a just and true
record of the family of John and Mary Carll and of some of the grandchildren
of the said John and Mary Carll - the said Rhoda being the youngest of the
children of the said John and Mary and that the said Record has been always
in the possession of this deponent and was commenced soon after her marriage
with the said John Carll and is mostly in her own handwriting - And the said
Rhoda says that she is well acquainted with the Family Record hereunto
attached and has known it to be in the keeping of her mother Mary Carll ever
since her remembrance, or at least for thirty years last post - and has no
doubt that it is a correct record of the family of the said John and Mary
Carll - And further these deponents say not.
-s- Mary Carll
-s- Rhoda Scribner
Subscribed and sworn the 26th day of
August 1839 before me
Geo. W. Rudd
Comm. of Deeds in Oneida County
Transcript of Deposition of Aaron
Scribner contained in Pension File on Revolutionary War Service for John
Western New York, Oneida County
Aaron Scribner of Verona in said County
being duly sworn deposes and says that he is well acquainted with Mary Carl
[sic] named in the annexed papers, that she is the widow of John Carl [sic]
late, a Revolutionary Pensioner of the United States and has remained a
widow ever since his death which took place on or about the 20th day of
September 1833 - and that the annexed family record was taken by this
deponent from the family Bible of the said John Carl [sic] and Mary Carl
[sic], and that he has known the same as the record of the family for more
than 20 years
-s- Aaron Scribner
Sworn before me this 5 April 1839 and I
certify he is a man of credibility, truth, and veracity.
B.P. Johnson
[?] Court Com.
I certify that the annexed leaves were
this day taken from an ancient Family Bible by Mr Scribner in my presence on
April 5, 1839.
B.P. Johnson
[?] Court Com.

Original pages from the John and Mary
{Morrill} Carll Family Bible were submitted by Mary as evidence to support
her application for a Widow's Pension based on her husband John's service in
the Revolutionary War. Here is a transcript of the
content of those pages:
[*Even though the column on the
original page is marked "Deaths", Births were recorded in that colume on
that page.]
Transcript of Family Record
[Page 1]
Births |
Births |
Thomas Morrell was Born March 2nt 1733 |
Elizabeth Carll was born February 25th 1786 |
Abigail Morrell was Born January 31st 1736 |
Peter Carll was born September 22nt 1787 |
John Carll was born September 6th 1759 |
Abigail Carll was born April 29th 1789 |
Mary Carll was born August 17th 1758 |
Mary Carll was born January 9th 1791 |
Stephen Carll was born November 4th 1781 |
Peace Carll was born November 15th 1792 |
Simeon Carll was born March 22nt 1783 |
Patience Carll was born April 27th 1794 |
Thomas Carll was born November 19th 1784 |
Sarah Carll was born August 4th 1796 |
[Page 2]
Births |
Deaths* |
Rhoda Carll was born February 16th 1799 |
John Carll was born September 12th 1807 |
Mary Hamilton was born July 25th 1804 |
Thomas Carll was born June 23d 1809 |
Mercy Hamilton was Born June 7th 1806 |
Lydia Hamilton was born May 20th 1808 |
Martha Hamilton was born May 26th 1810 |
Elizabeth Carll was born March 8th 1808 |
Samuel B Carll was born March 14th 1811 |
Frederick Augustus Carll was born May 24th 1819 |
[Page 3]
Deaths |
Deaths |
Thomas Morrell died November the 9 aged 82y 1815 |
John Carll died September the 20 1833 |
John Carll died September 20th aged 74 And 14 days |

Biographies of Aaron
Scribner Family Group
Biography of John C. Scribner
Biography of Enoch Scribner
Biography of Charles
William Scribner
Charles William Scribner was the third son of Aaron Scribner and Rhoda
Carll, born 1830 in Brighton, Somerset County, Maine. Minerva was the
oldest daughter of Frederick G. Hetchler, Aaron's next-door-neighbor. She
was born (May 30 [? - per Muriel Steele Smith]) 1841, probably in Elba,
Genesee County, New York. Charles is listed in his father's family group
as a farmer in Michigan in the 1850 census. Thus, from that information
Charles must have come to Michigan with his family between 1842 and 1850
from Ohio. Charles and Minerva were married December 3, 1859, in Utica,
Macomb County, Michigan. Charles was a farmer and a carpenter. Charles
appears with wife Minerva in the 1860 census in Michigan, Macomb County,
Sterling Township, page 916, dwelling number 720, family number 667. In
this census, it indicates that Charles was a farmer with real estate
valued at $1100 and personal property valued at $200. His birthplace was
listed as Maine, and Minerva's was listed as New York. Charles was thus a
farmer and carpenter who "married the girl next door."
Charles W. Scribner volunteered in Utica, Michigan, and was mustered in to
Company F, 22nd Regiment of the Michigan Infantry as a private on January
21, 1864 at Pontiac, Michigan for a 3-year enlistment. He came from the
5th Michigan congressional district in Macomb County, Sterling Township.
At that time he was 33 years old, with blue eyes, auburn hair, standing 5'
8 ½" tall. He died during the war shortly after enlistment, and the final
statement indicates his birthplace as "Somersett, Maine." The
circumstances of Charles' death are very unfortunate. Per an affidavit
contained in the pension application file of his wife Minerva (#52-206),
after enlistment, he proceeded to Grand Rapids where measles were
prevailing and he took the measles at camp. He nevertheless proceeded as
far as Indianapolis, then took worse and had to be taken to the hospital.
He died in the hospital in Indianapolis of this illness. He was never able
to join his Company. He died on February 28, 1864, barely 30 days after
his muster. He apparently died in a hospital in Indianapolis, Indiana of
"lung congestion" or "consumption of the lungs."
The pension record for the application of Minerva (#52-206) makes the
relationship of Charles' children clear: Charles is listed as the father
of Charles W. Scribner, born on 11/5/1860, and Thomas J., born on
5/28/1862. The children's application (#138086) was filed by a person
named Robert Jean, who was appointed as their Guardian by a probate judge
on 12/26/1865; Robert Jean was listed as a resident of Clinton (in Macomb
County, Michigan), although the children are listed as residing with their
mother. [Robert Jean may have been the father-in-law for Enoch, since his
wife is reputedly Sarah Jean, the daughter of Robert Jean; the Robert Jean
referred to could also have been the husband of Catherine Norton, who was
first cousin to Peter Steele; in fact, it is possible that these two
Robert Jeans are related -- and perhaps even the same individual?] The
pension record also contains evidence of the marriage of Minerva and Peter
Steele, evidence of the marriage of Charles and Minerva, physician
attestations for the live births for both minor sons, and evidence of the
death along with a description of the circumstances of the death of
The pension record certificate of marriage evidenced that Charles W.
Scribner of Sterling, Macomb County, Michigan (age 29) married Minerva A.
Hetsler of Sterling, Macomb County, Michigan (age 18) on December 3, 1859,
in Utica, Macomb County, Michigan. Present as witnesses were J.L. Hetsler
of Sterling and Mary M. Hetsler, also of Sterling. A death certification
for Charles W. is contained in the widow's pension application file. The
minor pension application also contains declarations in support of
authenticity by "Thomas P. Scribner" and "Catherine Scribner" from Macomb
County, residents of Sterling, who were claimed to be personal
acquaintences of the deceased Charles. These are Charles' brother Thomas
and Thomas' wife Catherine, who was also the older sister of Peter Steele.
Documentation of the location of Charles' burial has not been found; one
source states he was buried in Indiana, but no location was specified;
from contents of the Pension File on Civil War Service for Peter Aaron
Steele, we can infer that Charles must have been buried in Michigan
sometime after his memorial service, which was held on 3 March 1864 in
Detroit. Most likely, Charles is buried in a national cemetery somewhere
in the Detroit, Michigan area, with civil war-era soldiers.
Biography of Thomas P. Scribner
In 1860, Thomas and Catherine were living in Clinton, outside Detroit,
where he was a farm laborer. By 1870, they had moved to Shiawassee
Township in Shiawassee County (near the center of the state) where he
operated a farm. Per the 1870 census, Thomas is 37 years old and has a
wife Catherine who is 29 years old. He is listed as a farmer, and his wife
as a housekeeper. One child, Cora, is listed as age 7 and Millie age 5 at
home. All were born in Michigan. In 1880, they were in Detroit (116
Woodbridge Street), where he worked as a carpenter. In 1900, he was
operating a corner grocery store in Detroit, at 581 McClellan Avenue. They
had 5 children, of whom 3 were living in 1900.
Biography of Sarah Jane
Biography of Samuel B. Scribner