
Note    N20637         Index
William was a farmer in Bradford, Vermont.


Note    N20642         Index
Albert was a farmer in Corinth, Vermont. His was considered to be one of the best farms in Corinth.


Note    N20646         Index
Milton's father, John H. Kersey, was born in 1835 in Ohio, and died before 1900 in Greenville. His mother, Melissa, was born in January 1846 in Ohio, and died after 1900 in Greenville.
 Milton was a cashier at the Bradford National Bank in Greenville.


Note    N20648         Index
After graduating from the University of Vermont in 1926, Frederika went on earn a Master of Library Science degree at Columbia University of Library Science in 1941. She taught public school in Arlington, Vermont, and was the Librarian of the University of Vermont for 14 years. in 1952, she was elected to the Vermont State Legislature as Representative from Fairfield. In 1953, she and Winston moved to North Carolina, where he had a medical pracrtice in Burnsville.


Note    N20655         Index
George was a farmer in Corinth, Vermont. He adopted Forrest W. Brown, Grace's son by her first husband, Fred Brown.


Note    N20656         Index
Eugene never married. He died by suicide.


Note    N20661         Index
William was a farmer in Corinth, Vermont.


Note    N20664         Index
Nella was a schoolteacher in Bradford, Vermont, in 1900. After Edward's death, Nella returned to teaching. In 1920, she and the children were living in Barre.


Note    N20666         Index
Fred was a farmer in Bradford, Vermont.


Note    N20668         Index
Edward was the Superintendent of Schools in Springfield, Vermont.


Note    N20671         Index
Lilla taught school in Bradford, Vermont.


Note    N20681         Index
George worked for a grain dealer in Corinth, Vermont, until about 1908, when they moved to Bath, Grafton County, New Hampshire. He worked there as a teamster for a logging company. By 1920, they had returned to Vermont, to live in Bratleboro, where George and his sons had jobs at a toy manufacturing factory. In 1930, George was employed as a stationary engineer in that factory.


Note    N20682         Index
Mabel was a nurse for a private family in Bradford, Vermont.


Note    N20683         Index
George was a teamster in Bradford, Vermont.


Note    N20686         Index
In 1930, William was the caretaker of a private estate in Brattleboro, Vermont.