Note N10511 Index
Frank was a farmer in Bridgton, Maine.
Note N10512 Index
Irving was a blacksmith in Naples, Maine. He never married.
Note N10516 Index
In 1920, Ilus was working at a trunk factory in Los Angeles.
Note N10526 Index
Carroll was a painter and paper hanger in Naples, Maine. He never married.
Note N10527 Index
Alton was a lumber edger, working for N.T. Fox Company, Diamond National Company and the C.N. Brown Company.
Note N10531 Index
Charles was a furrier in Marshalltown, Iowa. As did his father-in-law, he bought and sold animal furs.
Note N10532 Index
Leroy followed his father in being a dealer of hides and pelts.
Note N10534 Index
As was his father, Willard was a furrier in Marshalltown, Iowa.
Note N10535 Index
Walter was a bookseller in Iowa and Minnesota. By 1930, he was in the investment business in Minneapolis.
Note N10537 Index
In 1930, Frank and Ethel were living in Wilmette (New Trier Twp.) Cook County, Illinois. He was an insurance broker there.
Note N10538 Index
Maurice was a machinist.
Note N10544 Index
From 1880 to 1910, Walter was a tanner, as was his father. In 1920, he was a watchman at a lumber yard.
Note N10548 Index
Fred worked for a few years as a carpenter in Augusta. After 1900, he began a career as a linotype operator and printer at an Augusta newspaper. He and Edith divorced.
Note N10549 Index
Herman was a farmer in Abbot and, by 1930, in Guilford, Maine.
Note N10553 Index
Most likely, Wilson was named for his uncle, Wilson Greene Cole, who died in the Civil War. Wilson was a farmer in Abbot, Maine. By 1910, he had moved to Hallowell, where he owned a harness making shop. In 1935, he was operating a grocery store in Hallowell.
Note N10555 Index
Harold was regarded as one of the leading citizens of Abbot, Maine. He was a farmer, did some lumbering and road work. He served as Road Commissiner and was on the Board of Selectmen. A member of Abbot Grange for 36 years, he had served as Grange Treasurer for more than 25 years. He is remembered as "one of the first to promote any good cause."